How it works

When you pull up to a participating car wash a license plate recognition system scans your license plate and automatically matches vehicle to your account, letting you into the car wash automatically.

Membership payments are processed with your saved credit card information.

License Plate Recognition

Cameras positioned behind your vehicle scan your license plate and detect the license plate number in seconds.

Remember, this only works if there's a clean, unobstructed view of your plate. Here are some things that can slow down or stop this process.


Large license plate frames may cover parts of some characters, which could potentially turn a "B" into an "R", or an "E" into an "F"

Scratches or Fading

If some parts of your license plate are scratched or faded, it can be difficult to detect the individual characters.

Excessive Mud, Dirt, or Snow

If there's excessive mud, dirt, or snow, there's a chance our cameras will have trouble reading your plate.


License plate covers which darken or obscure the letters make it more difficult to read your license plate.

How To

Click on a card to view step-by-step instructions.

Add a coupon
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the red "user" circle in the top-right corner of the app.
  3. Click Add coupon.
  4. Enter your gift card or subscription code. If you have a QR code click the button labelled Scan QR Code.
  5. Once the code is entered, click OK.
  6. Apply the code to one of your vehicles, and then click Confirm.
Update card information
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the red "user" circle in the top-right corner of the app.
  3. Click Billing, then Edit your card.
  4. Touch the grey area to enter new card info.
  5. Enter the month and year of expiration, and then the 3 digit CVV code on the back of the card.
  6. Click Save.
Deactivate a wash subscription
  1. Open the app.
  2. Click the red "user" circle in the top-right corner of the app.
  3. Press the My cars button under your account.
  4. Tap Manage Subscription under the vehicle you wish to cancel.
  5. Select Cancel subscription.
  6. Click Save.
Add a Pay Per Wash account
  1. Open the app and tap the red user in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Tap My Cars.
  3. Select or add a vehicle you'd like to add Pay Per Wash to.
  4. Tap Manage Subscription.
  5. Modify the toggle at the top of plan selection to "Pay per wash".
  6. Choose your wash type.
  7. Tap Continue, Review your purchase details.
  8. You will owe nothing on the day of sign up, and be charged when you visit a wash for the first time.

Frequently asked questions

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Where can I go to download the app?

The app is available for download on the App Store or the Google Play store.

Why don't I need a password to login?

Signing in to the Wash Club app is easy! Simply enter your email address or phone number and an authenication code will be sent to you, which can then be used to log in.

How much does Wash Club cost?

The app is free to download, but the wash packages offered by car washes will vary in monthly price.

Can I wash my car at different locations?

This app will work at any location which uses the Wash Club system. If visiting somewhere other than your primary car wash franchise, an alternate payment or subscription may be needed.

Have a specific question?

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